What We Do

Our stewardship of Red Wing’s bluffs have been focused in three main areas:

installing steps

Trail Maintenance & Improvements

  • Installation of map kiosks and trail maps at Memorial Park and the BTCA

  • Trail brushing

  • Tree limb removal

  • Erosion control

  • Stairway construction at the Bush Street steps

  • Stairway construction and trail realignment at the Twin Bluff Middle School trail access

  • Graffiti removal

  • Garbage pickup

Partner groups:
City of Red Wing, Prairie Island Indian Community, Red Wing School District 256, Red Wing Environmental Learning Center, Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa, RAMBO, and Aurora Ski Club.

buckthorn removal

Habitat Conservation

  • Buckthorn removal at He Mni Can-Barn Bluff, Memorial Park and the BTCA

  • Organizing groups to address invasive plant removal at all three bluffs

  • Prairie plantings at He Mni Can-Barn Bluff

  • Sweet Clover mowing to remove it as an invasive plant

  • Provide funding to help match City projects that focus on invasive plant removal

  • Coordinate corporate-led invasive plant removal projects

Partner groups:
City of Red Wing, Prairie Island Indian Community, Red Wing School District 256, Red Wing Environmental Learning Center, Xcel Energy, Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa, The Prairie Enthusiasts, MN DNR, Goodhue County Horticultural Society, and neighborhood residents.

kids look through telescope

Events that educate & promote enjoyment of the bluffs

  • New Year’s Sunrise Hikes (January)

  • Annual Full Moon Winter Snow Shoe/Hike at Mississippi National (February)

  • Earth Day events and activities (April)

  • Treasures on the Trails with Red Wing Arts (April)

  • Guided History, Nature and Nature Bathing Hikes

  • River City Days Yoga on He Mni Can-Barn Bluff (August)

  • Annual Color Bluff Run at Memorial Park (October)

  • We routinely schedule educational/ informational hikes led by Friends of the Bluffs board members and Minnesota Master Naturalist volunteers. If you have ideas of what you’d like to see offered please let us know!

Partner Groups:
City of Red Wing, Red Wing School District 256, Prairie Island Indian Community, Sustainability Commission, Red Wing Chamber of Commerce, Red Wing Environmental Learning Center, Red Wing Community Education, Red Wing Arts, Mississippi National Golf Links, Goodhue County Historical Society.

Sign up to Volunteer and Donate Today!

2025 Board of Directors

Brian Peterson, President

Courtney Celt, Vice President

Laura Schmidt, Treasurer

Lisa Smiley, Secretary

Laura Aadalen

Craig Bell

Hugh Brown

Gabriel Miller

Jeanne Peterson

Steph Prink

Brian Biwer, City of Red Wing liaison

  • Friends of the Bluffs formed because residents saw a need and stepped up to take care of one of our greatest natural assets: The Bluffs of Red Wing. Please consider joining us as a volunteer and donor.

    — Brian Peterson, board president & retired City of Red Wing Planning Director

  • Being part of the Friends' mission as a board member has allowed me to make a meaningful impact in our community, engage with like-minded individuals, develop my leadership skills, and contribute to projects that promote environmental conservation and outdoor fun.

    — Courtney C.

  • It brings me joy knowing our efforts help maintain these natural treasures for future generations. If you are passionate about the outdoors and want to make a difference, I highly recommend supporting Red Wing Friends of the Bluffs.

    — Courtney C.

  • My wife and I have been hiking the bluff trails several times a week year-round for years. I eagerly jumped at the opportunity to be a Friends board member to play a more active role in maintaining the trails and planning trail activities. We are so blessed to have these beautiful bluffs to enjoy.

    — Craig B.