Get Involved



Get Involved • Volunteer • Donate •

Gather with friends. Meet new people. Help us preserve & protect our local hiking trails and scenic bluffs.

There are no membership fees required to be a FRIEND, but donations are greatly appreciated!

As a 501c3 nonprofit stewarding Red Wing’s bluffs on a volunteer basis, we rely on the support of our donors to continue the great value we offer to the community.

Did you know? You can double your donation if your employer offers a corporate match! Inquire with your HR for the form.

Make a one-time donation or set up a monthly automatic withdrawal from your bank account. Checks are also accepted, payable to Friends of the Bluffs. Mail to PO Box 322, Red Wing, MN 55066.

  • Friends of the Bluffs formed because residents saw a need and stepped up to take care of one of our greatest natural assets: The Bluffs of Red Wing. Please consider joining us as a volunteer and donor.

    — Brian Peterson, board president & retired City of Red Wing Planning Director

  • Being part of the Friends' mission as a board member has allowed me to make a meaningful impact in our community, engage with like-minded individuals, develop my leadership skills, and contribute to projects that promote environmental conservation and outdoor fun.

    — Courtney C.

  • It brings me joy knowing our efforts help maintain these natural treasures for future generations. If you are passionate about the outdoors and want to make a difference, I highly recommend supporting Red Wing Friends of the Bluffs.

    — Courtney C.

  • My wife and I have been hiking the bluff trails several times a week year-round for years. I eagerly jumped at the opportunity to be a Friends board member to play a more active role in maintaining the trails and planning trail activities. We are so blessed to have these beautiful bluffs to enjoy.

    — Craig B.